Shipping policy- DrippyMonk

Shipping methods and associated costs:
We currently ship to addresses within India. Shipping charges may apply depending on the location and pin code.

Estimated delivery times and factors affecting them:
Orders are processed within 1-2 business days from the date of purchase. We have a 5-7 working days delivery time. In emergency conditions, the delivery time may exceed. You can cancel the order by contacting us through the official email.

Shipping Rate :

Shipping rates are calculated based on the weight of the products in your order and the delivery location. You can view the shipping cost during the checkout process before finalizing your purchase.

Order tracking options and provides relevant instructions:
Order tracking codes provided directly through mail confirmation along with WhatsApp communication for order updates.

Shipping Inquiries:
For any inquiries regarding your order or shipping, please contact our customer support at

By placing an order with DrippyMonk, you agree to the terms outlined in this Shipping Policy. We reserve the right to update or modify this policy at any time without prior notice. Please review this policy periodically for changes.

Thank you for choosing DrippyMonk!

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